A smaller scale site designed to showcase targeted products and solutions is often considered a microsite or campaign site. Here’s more insight on why your business might want to develop a microsite:

A microsite can serve as a landing page to collect data and help you gauge the viability of a new product or service.
Probably the most compelling reason we’ve seen clients move forward on a microsite. Smaller teams that work inside medium- to large-sized companies tend to have market-sensitive priorities that can’t always wait for folks in other divisions to recognize them.
Technology and markets move fast. Why allow your competition to get way out ahead? If your corporate site can’t accommodate new campaign needs right away, consider a focused effort you have more control over.
Smaller companies face challenges that can be addressed with microsites as well. Recently, we helped a consumer brand launch a site to coincide with a new line of products hitting retail stores. Because they needed to differentiate branding from their main product line, inclusion on the larger corporate site wasn’t terribly practical for the launch.
Complicating matters, their main site hadn’t yet been made responsive for mobile devices. Stakeholders felt that was crucial for success, so the Spark Creative team jumped in to help.
Focused, Updated Content
If a large company site is designed to accommodate a wide range of content and initiatives, it may be easier than you think to add some targeted messaging — or even a whole campaign.
But if not – and you want to contribute value to a niche market – having a specific platform to do so may serve you better in the near-term.
Posting curated content will better position you to drive traffic and interest through social media tools. A microsite enables you to build a more qualified audience via relevant content.

A campaign site with original content gives you the flexibility to test ideas as you bring them to market.
Leveraging an outside resource to help you develop a microsite delivers three qualities teams in large corporations crave; agility, autonomy, and speed.
Lack of Internal IT Resources
Access to qualified developers is a universal challenge. Corporations both large and small find it difficult to maintain staff required for ongoing initiatives these days.
Even when they do, your team’s latest initiative may not be their highest priority. This is another area where an outside team can really help propel your efforts forward.
Spark Creative works fast and is typically ahead of our clients’ decision making processes. That means campaign site engagements can scale up quickly.
Think You’re Ready?
Focused content on a standalone microsite enables you to try new ideas and measure response very quickly. What you learn from the campaign site may serve as valuable intelligence when you’re ready to fold that content back into the larger corporate site later.