Spark Creative


“I’m a novelist.” “I’m a writer.” “Oh yeah, I’m working on a book.”

Clichés, perhaps all. But they’re common responses we’ve all come to expect – in life AND fiction – to queries about how someone became a writer.

I’ll admit, it was far simpler here. No one else wanted darn chore! It fell to us.

Boost the power of your web pages and brochures with succinct, powerful writing that engages your prospects.

Now that’s not grumbling at all. Like most skills, writing yields better results the longer it’s practiced. A good writer will have acquired numerous strategies and secrets along the way that help them improve and find the joy in it. We’re no different.

The tight-knit team of writers and copyeditors at Spark Creative share an affinity for ideas, words, language, grammar, even punctuation. In fact, one of our producers has earned a fierce reputation in both English and Spanish!

The upside for you is, we’re fluent in this. We’re ready to hear about your products, services, and goals — then quickly spin those ideas into copy decks that emphasize benefits, build interest, and lead your prospects to the response form, telephone, or shopping cart.

Here’s How It Works
The writing and/or content development process may begin with a review of any client-supplied source materials including the brief, if there is one. Notes from a kickoff meeting, one-on-one interviews with key stakeholders, and online research are also often used to help generate an outline and first draft.

Once the client team comments on the draft, it’s usually scaled down with more focused phrasing and an improved structure. Following that, two more material rounds of revision between writer and client can be applied to sharpen each piece. In the final phase, copy decks can be streamlined before internal legal review with small polishes applied. If requested, we can also have each deck professionally proofread, after the client legal review.

Let Spark Creative assist on your writing tasks. We’re sure you’ll be glad to have it off your plate.

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Sources may include:
The Freelance Copywriter’s Unfair Marketing Advantage, Brian Clark, copyblogger
10 Companies That Totally Nail Copywriting, Corey Eridon, Hubspot
The Search for Meaning in B2B Marketing, Doug Kessler, Velocity Partners

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